Anycast Hosting

Bring Content Closer to Your Visitors. Low latency, Improves Performance and Reliability.

Anycast help your traffic to be routed automatically to the server that is nearest to each visitor. By serving content geographically closest to visitors reduce network latency and improve user experience.

Anycast allows advertising of same IP globally, this accelerate your website or other services performance by minimizing Round Trip Time (RTT) and Time to First Byte (TTFB) through the rapid delivery of contents from nearest location. It is ideal for Content Distribution Networks (CDN) and Global DNS.

Same IP addresses being distributed throughout the Global network add redundancy, help to balance load globally and reduce risk of DoS. Our BGP Support enabled platform allow you to announce own address space.

New Jersey

Resilient Defense

IP addresses being distributed throughout the global network reduces impact of DoS attacks.

100% Fully Redundant

If a server were to become unavailable the service automatically routes your users to the next best path.

Global locations

Deploy cloud and dedicated servers within Minutes across any of our worldwide locations.

Load balancing

Routing to multiple servers will effectively balance load among the servers, improving site speed.

Contact Us

We are here to meet the growing needs of your business. If you have any questions or would like to request a customized quote please contact us.